Word to Number

Word to Number Converter Tool

Word to Number Convert is the Best Online Word to Number Converter Tool, free without app. Word to Number Convert Tool helps to management, analysis, editing, generate and convert data.

Best Word to Number Converter Tool

Word to Number Converter Tool to help you easily convert from Word to numbers or digits. This program is the inverse of the numbers to words converter. It takes numbers in a text format, such as "thirty-six", and returns them in a numeric format "36".

Quickly convert English words to numbers in your browser. To get your numbers, just enter number names in the input field, and this utility will convert all of them to numbers. It works with integers, decimal numbers, and currencies.

What can you do with Words to Numbers?

  1. Translate Word to Number is a very unique tool to convert US Dollar Text to Numbers.
  2. This tool allows loading the Word URL, which loads Words and converts to Number. Click on the URL button, Enter URL and Submit.
  3. Users can also convert Word File to Number by uploading the file.
  4. Word to Number Online works well on Windows, MAC, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.

Words to numbers converter

This is an online browser-based application for converting written words to numeric digits. This program is the inverse of the numbers to words converter. It takes numbers in a text format, such as "thirty-six", and returns them in a numeric format "36". The program distinguishes a wide variety of formats and is able to convert very large numbers, such as "one decillion" (1033) or "googol" (10100). It works with both negative and positive values. The webapp can also convert decimal numbers. For example, "five point forty-seven" turns into 5.47, and "twenty-six point three two one" turns into 26.321. This tool is even able to recognize words such as a "half" and a "quarter". For example, "one and a half" (1.5) or "six and a quarter" (6.25). Furthermore, this utility works with currencies. It recognizes more than a dozen world currencies and easily turns spelled money amount into numeric money amount. For example, "one dollar and fifty cents" turns into "$1 50¢" and "six francs and three centimes" turns into "6Fr. 3c". You can also use coin names, such as "nickel" (5¢) or "dime" (10¢). For example, "two dollars and a nickel" — "$2 5¢" and "twelve dollars and a dime" — "$12 10¢". In the options, you can configure the currency output format. There you can choose between decimal currency formats (such as "$2.99" and "2.99$") and individual banknote and coin formats (such as "$2 99¢" and "2$ 99¢), as well as change the position of the currency symbol relative to the amount.

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